Welcome to the Princeton Class of 1995 Website

We are celebrating the half century mark(!) together with a weekend in Chicago this July 21-23. Take off from work on Friday and plan to leave Sunday afternoon. Think of it as inspired a bit by house parties, with some added culture because we're, like, grownups and stuff. ;-)

There are dinners (semi-formal and formal; classmates and significant others only), a boat cruise, fireworks, and optional comedy, sports events, and brunch all on the itinerary.

What’s officially included for the weekend:

Friday Dinner at Carnivale
Saturday Morning Architectural Boat Cruise
Catered Dinner and Fireworks at the Art Institute

Optional improv, Cubs game, and Sunday brunch will be coordinated separately based on interest.


Registration is $495 per person and is open.


If you want to attend but the costs are too much of a burden, please contact Class Treasurer, Adam Lichtenstein (vaduz88@gmail.com) for confidential information on how the class can help.


Need a place to stay? We have a room block at the SilverSmith hotel.


Questions? Suggestions? Email Christine Brumback (brumback@alumni.princeton.edu)


We hope to see you in Chicago this July!

Learn more and register here

Happy birthday, 95!


Note: if you want to make it a trip for the whole family, feel free to, but note that all evening events are for classmates and significant others only. You'll need to make your own arrangements for kids (even adult ones) for both evenings. Only classmates and significant others need to pay for registration. When you complete the registration form, please provide a total headcount for daytime events (including kids). These include the boat tour, comedy show, sporting event, and Sunday brunch. Some of these will require separate ticket purchases.



If you haven't done so already, please complete the below steps to stay in touch:

1: Instagram - Follow @princeton1995 - yes, we have a P95 Instagram account, follow, like and share!

2: Facebook - Join our Class of 1995 Group - stay connected with classmates in real time. We also share important Reunions updates and other class news here.

3: Yearbook - Set Up Your Profile - put names to faces and share a bit about your life to stay connected with classmates.

3: Tigernet - Update Your Contact Information - you'll need a Tigernet login for some sections this website, and to receive email updates from our class.




May 06 2022

PAWcast: Christine Ko ’95 on Building Doctor-Patient Connection

As a practicing dermatologist, Christine Ko ’95 is usually in the doctor’s seat. But when her son was diagnosed with profound deafness at two years old, she suddenly found herself on the patient’s side of the relationship. What she learned and experienced over the next few years led her to write a new book, titled How to Improve Doctor-Patient Connection. Ko, who is also a professor of dermatology and pathology at Yale, spoke with PAW about the discoveries she made and how better awareness and communication can break down barriers between doctors and patients, and ultimately lead to better diagnoses and medical care.

Updates and Feedback

Do you have an update to this site -- a news article featuring a classmate, an update to the list of books by '95 authors, an event to post? Share it here